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5 Simple Acne Care Tips Without Cream

Updated on August 28, 2019
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Prem is passionate about providing empowering information to help people use natural remedies in their everyday lives.

Good habits and acne

Lets face it! Most of us cannot run away from facing acne problem at one point in our lives. Acne affects most of us everyone and it can happen at any part of your body including your butt (trust me, it can happen). If you are not a big fan of using doctor's prescription or over the counter medication, you need to embrace and start a few simple practices that will help you take control and minimize the breakouts. These practices can be good supplementary aid in your fight against acne. It may seem trivial but it's important. For those who do not have acne issues,congratulations! However if you are less fortunate and you are constantly struggling with breakouts, practicing good habits and making it a routine goes a long way in giving you the upper hand in managing the effects the acne.

Why do you need more than just acne cream?

Are you spending too much money for a chemical cure for acne without seeing any good results? Do you think using too much chemical on your face will do more harm than good? I think we have all been here before and some of us have spent thousands if not hundreds of dollars on acne treatment but have yet to see the results.

In treating acne, we often forget that simple hygiene can create a big impact in managing this issue. There are small factors that will create a big problem for our skin if we ignore to address.

By practicing these right habits, a good skin care regime can be developed which is safe and will help treat acne more effectively.

The advantage of having a good skin care routine is that the skin is consistently taken care of and the routine also helps to act as a prevention for problems like adult acne and cystic acne by reducing the secretion of oil, opening up the pores and fighting skin inflammation.Good skin care practices ensure there is minimum physical damage to the skin such as acne scars that can affect you emotionally.


Can drinking water reduce acne?

Drinking water is will not eradicate your acne immediately but nonetheless water is a very important component for the skin. How much water do you drink a day?

You are well aware that that the major cause of acne is the excessive oil in your body that gets clogged up in your pores causing infection and inflammation. This is where water plays a major part to help moisturize the skin, prevents it from being dry and removes unwanted toxins.

It is not an ultimate answer to the problem but nevertheless water is an important partner to the skin.

Since 70% of our body consist of water, how much water should you drink a day if you have acne issues? The general rule of thumb has always been 8 glasses of water but that depends on an individual. Too much water may put a strain on your kidney and that’s a problem that we don’t want. So long as you’re not feeling thirsty, that’s a good sign that you are hydrated well.

Taking sips of water every 1.5 to 2 hours will also slowly supply your body with enough water.

A good practice of drinking water is drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up and also a glass of water before you go to bed. When you’re seeping, the body repairs itself and therefore water will help in transporting nutrients and removing the waste. Early morning drinking helps to kick start the organs and supply hydration to the skin which has gone without water during the entire duration of your sleep.

So remember, the whole idea of drinking water is to help you skin receive the right nutrients, remove toxins and to keep it hydrated.

Ask yourself again. "How much water did you drink today?"


Choosing the right makeup to prevent acne

Your makeup may make you look good but without you knowing it, the chemicals in your makeup may do more harm than good to your body. Make up contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and blackheads. Be responsible for the way you apply your make up and know how to choose the right make up.

Now, this might sound silly but as a first step of filtering i would suggest that if you are going to buy makeup, please don't buy those dirt cheap products that is sold on a garage sale or a cheap sale. That is not to say that you need to buy expensive products but think about it, if a company can sell you their product for an unbelievably low price and still make money, how much do you think is the cost price? What kind of quality ingredients can you get with those cost price? Think! Buy those with a medium price range which is affordable for you that comes from a reputable brand or at least a brand you have heard of and know people are using. Make sure you purchase in confidence.

Next is to make sure your makeup has skin friendly ingredients. Not all ingredients are equal and nice to your face. Be familiar with a few common terms that help you identify which products will be good for you. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid is used as a component to hold water and create the moisture in the cream. These ingredients are usually used in an oil-free makeup product which is much better than an alcohol based product. Acne contributing ingredients in a makeup product are like cocoa, butter and mineral oil must be avoided.

Don't sleep with your makeup on! You don't need to be a genius to realize this. Sleeping without removing your makeup just puts those unwanted chemicals in your face for a longer period of time and provides ample opportunity for the skin to absorb it which results in clogged pores and damage your skin cells. You're practically murdering your skin. So please remember to remove it before crashing to bed.


Can your hair cause acne?

Now, this is something which you may not have thought about before. If you are wondering how on earth can your hair cause acne then you need to read this simple but logical explanation.

Most of the hair care products in the market contains oil which is part of its ingredient. In fact there are hair oil such as olive oil and coconut oil which can be applied directly on the scalp. Oil does have a function to make your hair look shinier and in some cases may prevent hair from graying faster and promotes blood flow to the hair and scalp.However, on the flip site, it does get absorbed into your body causing you pores to get clogged. This results in acne formation on your head region although the occurrence may not be so severe.

Oil is sticky. When you apply to your hair, it collects dust and other contaminants in the air. These unwanted waste can easily cause your pores to be clogged. For those with long hair, when it falls over to your face, the oil in the hair touches the skin in your face which causes the oil to stick on the face and affect the pores.

If you have an acne issue, then it is always advisable to use oil free hair care products to control the amount of oil that is being applied to your body. When you know that oil is the major factor for pores to get clogged then it may not so smart to keep using more of it.


Dirty fabrics can cause acne

Yes, that is right. I once had an acne breakout and finally changing my pillow, the problem went away. Sounds simple right? Well, this may not be the main factor but it is definitely a contributing factor. You common culprit here would towels, blankets, bed sheets and pillows.

Fabrics such as the above tend to collect mold and fungi. the reason for this is because when you sleep at night, oil from your hair and sweat from your body gets absorbed into the fabric. Over time, it becomes dirty, gets mixed with the bacteria in the air and starts to grow mold and fungi. There is also a claim that non-hypo allergenic pillows tend to grow mold more than their expensive counterparts.

When you sleep and your face touches the fabric, the dirt in the fabric gets transferred to your skin filling up the pores and causing inflammation. Allergens in the dirt also causes the skin to break.

The only way to control this is to ensure the environment that you live in is clean. Use clean pillow cases and change your bed sheet and towel often. Change your pillow after a few months and always get hypo allergenic pillows to minimize the growth of fungi and molds.

If you have an acne problem, keeping part of your life clean can make a difference.


Natural Food That Fights Acne

Eating healthy and right should be part of your recipe or regime on combating acne. Eating food which has natural compounds to fight acne helps to keep acne at bay and promotes great looking skin. A good eating habit ensures the digestive system that is free from constipation and indigestion, you cut the risk of developing acne greatly.

Here are some foods that you should include in your daily diet

  • Fiber food such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals.Drink plenty of water to flush the fiber and allowing your digestive system to break down the fiber effectively so that most of the nutrients can be used for skin rejuvenation.
  • Banana or papaya helps digestive system removed toxins consistently. Healthy eating habits is an overall solution for acne in any part of the body.
  • Food which is strong in anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C (oranges, guava, bell peppers, broccoli, kale), Vitamin E (almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ), Selenium (tuna, whole wheat pasta, cod, brown rice)
  • Foods rich in zinc such as oysters, lobsters, skinless chicken
  • Omega 3 fatty acids food like salmons, sardines, anchovies, chia seeds


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